Why Blogging is a Must-do for Self-published Authors


BookWhirl.com is stretching out its coverage to bring you the latest articles, news, and tidbits about the self-publishing industry.

For this week, BookWhirl.com features winning reasons why self-published authors should have and maintain a blog.

Blog for the Win: Why Blogging is a Must-do for Self-published Authors

Blogging is a necessary strategy for an effective book marketing campaign. In fact, blogging has changed the way ideas and opinions are shared. It provides a multi-channel of information dissemination. Sharing of information has never been as easy as blogging. It is something that should be professionally utilized.

A survey published in the 2009 State of the Blogosphere by Technorati showed the significance of blogging towards building relationships between writers and readers. Here are some interesting figures: 77% of Internet users read blogs, 56% say that their blog has helped their company establish a positioning as a thought leader within the industry, 58% say that they are better-known in their industry because of their blog.

Now, here’s a list of winning reasons why self-published authors should have and maintain a blog.

Read the succeeding paragraphs at this link: http://www.bookwhirl.com/Marketing-Tips/1.html

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