Create A Unique Sound for Your Brand

By Tony Eldridge, creator of Marketing Tips For Authors


So, you’ve read a lot about creating an author platform, complete with your unique brand. You have chosen your website look, pics, and colors carefully and you have been consistent in using them across platforms. You have chosen your user names well as you created your presence on social networking sites.

Well done. You know how important it is for you to use your look consistently. Think about your favorite author who has written a series. Chances are, each cover has the same look and feel of other books in the series, at least books published by the same publisher.

So, what’s next for you to think about? I’d say we all need to start thinking about how we use video in our marketing. It’s becoming more and more mainstream and a whole lot easier for the non-techie marketer to utilize (see my BookBuzzr post entitled, Tools To Help You Create Videos For Your Blog/Website).

As you start to dip your toe into video marketing, you will have an opportunity to think about your unique sound. Whether it’s a jingle that sticks in a viewer’s mind, an instrumental lead-in to your videos or your audible sign-off, having the some sound can be yet another way people have to identify your brand.

Who would have thought a few years ago that an author, who deals with words, would even have to consider an audible branding tool? Things change and luckily for us, we don’t have to spend thousands to keep up with the changes.

So start paying attention to the sounds you like. What audio snippets say to you, “That’s me!” It doesn’t have to be a song; maybe it’s as simple as the three tone peacock sound that NBC plays when it shows its logo. Whatever it is, there’s something out there that can uniquely identify you and now is the time to start to give it some serious thought.

Tony Eldridge is the author of the award winning action/adventure novel, The Samson Effect, which Clive Cussler calls a “first rate thriller brimming with intrigue and adventure.” He is also the creator of Marketing Tips for Authors, a site that publishes free tips and videos to help authors learn marketing techniques for their books. You can read the serial release of The Samson Effect at

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