E-Books Versus Published Hard Copy Books

Source: http://www.freearticles.com/article/E-Books-Versus-Published-Hard-Copy-Books/3832

E-books or electronic books are the digital counterpart of printed books. These have shown to be quite useful and very easy to use for millions of online users. However, there are debates whether or not ebook creation and marketing are truly as efficient as hard copies. Discover more about the similarities and differences and find out which one best fits your style and needs.

Advantages Of Ebooks

First of all, ebook creation and marketing is convenient and cheap. You can virtually begin with no money and only a computer or laptop. Writing hundreds of pages do not require you to spend on a single sheet of paper and you also get to save time, cash and effort since you do not have to print anything. Less physical space is needed to store and hold ebooks and you can save hundreds or thousands of them in a single storage device on your computer.

People also do not have to report to work or find a suitable place to write or read ebooks. If you have a laptop, you can continue working or advertising while transporting, on a vacation or right at home. It is a relatively lucrative business opportunity that requires zero capital. Another benefit about electronic books is that these can be written by anyone who has an idea to sell. There are fiction, non-fiction and casual categories covering any type of topic ranging from a few pages up to a few hundred.

You also save time, money and effort looking for necessary information to finish an ebook. There are so many hyperlinks leading to related topics and you also get to read other ebooks and talk to consultants and experts to further enhance the appearance and content of your work. Occupation of less space also means that ebooks can stay available for longer periods of time because they do not have going out of print dates. Ebooks can exist and be converted into a variety of media such as audio books. The text and font can also be changed according to the readers preferences for easy viewing.

Advantages Of Published Hard Copy Books

Overall, paper books are still the mainstream and people continually use these for reliable and factual pieces of information. Device compatibility can be an issue to a number of people so it might be cheaper for them in the long run to buy print books that can last for years compared to always keeping up with electronic trends to avoid ebooks from becoming obsolete due to newer formats. You do not need electrical power to read hard copies or worry about software or hardware errors.

Ebook creation and marketing can also be stolen or become the target of unscrupulous activities online. They have high vulnerability to hacking or being distributed without need of approval from editors, authors or publishers. Many still believe that a lot of ebooks are only based on opinion than facts and figures.

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