21 Ways to Get Publicity and Increase Sales!

Posted in Publicity on July 5th, 2010 by admin

by Robert Smith

source: http://www.sellingbooks.com/21-ways-to-get-publicity-and-increase-sales-2

Do you know what made Dr. Phil famous? It was his weekly appearances on Oprah.

Was he the world’s smartest psychologist? Is he the most handsome? I don’t think so.

So, why is Dr. Phil rich and famous…and not you?

It’s because of publicity.

Publicity is one of the most powerful forms of advertising.

Reporters are constantly on the lookout for products, companies, and individuals to write about.

If you’re not using publicity then you are missing out on sales and leaving a lot of money on the table.

Advertising mixed with publicity or PR (public relations) can increase sales in a short period of time.

The 2 Biggest Reasons PR Doesn’t Help Business Owners

  1. Business owners aren’t familiar with it. Before I got into PR I owned a collection agency and I had never heard about public relations. And, I wasted lots of money on advertising that didn’t work. Let’s face it. Reporters can’t write about you if they don’t know you exist.
  2. Your PR efforts aren’t consistent. Sending one press release every 3 or 4 months is not a campaign and doesn’t get results.

I’ve discovered 21 ways you can get publicity to promote your business, get new customers, boost sales, and have lots of fun.

  1. Call the radio station when you hear ” We have open lines.” and talk about issues that your expertise solves.
  2. Give an award. (Find influential people in your community or industry and give them an award.)
  3. Get an editorial calendar from publications you’d like to be in and find out upcoming stories that fit your expertise.
  4. Arrange round up articles with other experts in your industry.
  5. Host your own radio show.
  6. Write articles for newspapers and magazines.
  7. Write Op/Ed columns for newspapers.
  8. Write a letter to the editor.
  9. Write a tip sheet. ( 21 Ways to…)
  10. Write a guest column for newspapers.
  11. Write a how-to article.
  12. Write and send press releases to the media.
  13. Start your own free local cable access TV show. (Contact local cable company)
  14. Speak for local civic groups and announce in their newsletters.
  15. Go where the cameras are. Read calendar of events section in your newspaper or call newsroom and ask what events are they covering.
  16. Call photographers desk at local newspapers and volunteer your office or building for backdrop or special issue stories.
  17. Write a pitch letter.
  18. Set up referrals with other well-known experts. Refer reporters to each other.
  19. Send reprints of articles to other media outlets and offer additional information.
  20. Create your own special day. (Visit www.chases.com)
  21. Call the media on slow news days (weekends and holidays) and suggest a story.

Robert Smith aka Mr. PR is a leading publicity expert and founder of www.championmediaworldwide.com

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