How to Foster Success for Your Book Launching Event

Posted in Book Selling on July 29th, 2010 by admin

Success in the self-publishing industry involves a lot of getting ahead of the game. Your punctuality speaks on how much you are committed to your career. How you plan and prepare shows how serious you just are.

After working hard during the wee hours of the night in completing your book, you finally arrive at the point of getting your book ready for its launching. Whether it may be a lavish launching or not, a book launching is the best time to introduce your book to the market. It’s an excellent opportunity to meet and greet prospective readers and give them the opportunity to buy a copy.

Here are some ideas for your book launch to become a success.

Get the Right and Real Figures

Come up with a budget. Carefully assess what you really need for the event. The budget can basically include the place, a sound system, tables, chairs, food, and promotional materials such as posters, brochures, flyers, tarpaulins, and the like. Seriously consider how much you are willing to spend for your book’s launch. Remember that the event is only the beginning of your official book marketing campaign.

A book’s launch doesn’t have to be that grand. A book marketing campaign can go all the way from 6 months to a year, so you better spend your budget on what’s worth for the long term. You can host the book launch at your own house or ask a bookstore near you where you can possibly hold the event. Better yet, hold your book launch at a university’s library, preferably your alma mater.

Send Out of the Box and Cost-Free Invitations

Reserve your bookmarks, brochures, and flyers during your book launch. Take advantage of social networking sites to spread the news about your upcoming event. For example, Facebook allows you to create automated event invitations through your profile where recipients can ‘RSVP’. This way, you can estimate the number of guests that are attending. Moreover, you can announce your event through status updates.

Inform the Media

You can send out a press release to different media organizations through fax or through the internet but don’t forget to inform your local media about your launch since you are a part of the community that they cover. Proximity has greater chances of being published. You can visit radio stations in your area and announce your book’s release. And if they request for an interview, be ready to talk on air. Do some research and list the names of the right people in the media who can help promote your book. The media likes to be pampered. So it’s better if you send them personalized invitations for your event.

It’s also important to hand out press kits to the media right after your book launch. That way, they won’t miss out on the important details about you and your book.

Initiate Conversation

You are in charge of telling the story behind your manuscript. Prepare and write your speech for your book launch from the heart. Be careful not to keep your talk too long or too short. Be creative to keep their ears listening to what you are actually saying.

Create Promos and Specials

Give out freebies and treats. It can be through bookmarks, button pins, cards, candies, pens, and the like. You can also offer promos or discounted rates when they buy your book. Make your attendees feel extra special. This is a way of saying “thank you” to everyone who has expressed support by attending your book launch.

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