Book Marketing for New Authors

Posted in Book Marketing on December 1st, 2011 by admin


Many new authors have a hard time justifying spending money on their book marketing.  A lot of times when it comes to publishing your first book, you do not know how much you will need to spend in order to market it.  This is especially true when it comes to people who choose to market their books themselves.  A lot of times you will need to take a look at how many books you plan to sell.  You will want to plan based on that.  If you are just targeting a small group of readers, then you may not want to spend as much as you would if you were planning to target to a large group of readers.

One of the best things to do is find ways to make your money go the furthest.  A lot of people will focus on the different ways to market their book.  If you are trying to get into book marketing, then you will want to know the different avenues.  There are some areas of marketing that you may not even consider right up front.  You can do things such as holding seminars and other conferences and meetings to promote your book.  This will not only show your readers that you are personable, but it will also show them that you believe in your book.

Most writers will not write about something that does not interest them.  This comes in very helpful when it comes to book marketing.  Do not just focus on one area of marketing, because this is just like putting everything into one avenue.  If you do this, then you could just be setting yourself up for failure.  Make sure that you do everything that you can to get it out there on multiple platforms to make sure that you are able to sell many books.

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