Overcoming Writer’s Block
Every writer wants everything to be perfect—perfect writing styles, perfect book, and perfect audience. However, even great writers in the world experience dull moments; when every single thing simply seems not to work out. This status is often referred to as writers’ block holding back the steadiness of the writing process.
What Causes Writer’s Block?
Most often, writers’ block is caused by contradictory feelings. He knows what he wants to write but doesn’t know how to begin writing it. An author maybe knowledgeable about all writing skills but is not sure if it works for all readers. He surely knows how the book should look like and what message it brings out but he doesn’t know all facts that will support his documents. An author may have the perfect image of what his knowledge can come up with but he is uncertain if it will equal the readers’ expectations after the entire endeavor.
All these conflicting feelings are ordinary for every writer. While others get tired of trying many ways; giving up has never an option for some who triumph in the end. For some, they take them as a challenge and do something to overcome the block.
Get Motivated
Some writers use inspiration to overcome writer’s block. Inspiration does work for many authors and make them effective in the field. A good example to this is the famous author of all time, Edgar Allan Poe, whose life was filled with tragedies that all influenced his craft he was effective doing at. On the other hand, nature such as the Lake Superior in Minnesota has inspired Danielle Sosi to write his award-winning novel, The Long Shining Waters.
But waiting for inspiration won’t work for all writers; and so you always need a unique way and approach to conquer hindrances to writing your book.
Take Down Notes and Secure Sources
Free yourself from sentences and paragraphs at the very start. You need to jot down all the ideas and phrases you have in your mind before forgetting them along the way. Gather all information that you think has something to do with your book and secure references.
It has always been essential to have everything set before moving forward to the possibility of a more complicated stage in writing.
Free Write
Free writing is another effective technique you can try to overcome the block. When nothing seems to work from what have been mentioned; try to spend few minutes to sit down with a blank paper. Write on it anything that you can think of without focusing on how phrases can connect with each other, language grammar, nor the punctuations. Do not criticize your work while you are doing it as it will only cause you distractions.
Just keep on writing until it will bring you to a good destination. That will be a good start to end up a good paragraph. From there, your ideas can start showing up and bring you to the topic you always have dreamed to write.
When you realize you are able to get away from that block; then you can start putting your thoughts into complete statements with the right punctuations and grammar use. Now, you have that piece.
Take It Slowly But Surely
Taking the easiest and simplest ways trouncing every writer’s block won’t work all the time. Insisting for a perfect draft of a masterpiece would sometimes worsen the problem and may result to a more headache in your writing. Your writing work can’t have all the perfections all at once. It takes step by step process from cultivating your writing skills which can lead you to perfect writing.
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Tags: perfect writing, writer's block, writing skills, writing work, writing your book