The 3 Step Formula To Creating Your Bestseller Book


A lot of people asked me, “Do you know that all the books you’ve written have become bestsellers”? Did it happen by chance?” The answer is no.

In fact, what I’ve discovered is before I had written my books; I was always reading best-selling books. And as I read all those books, I asked myself this question “What did they all have in common?”

“Is there a formula for writing a best selling book?” I discovered there is, and I make sure that all my books follow that formula, and so far it has worked well for me.

The first step in this formula is that the book must have mass appeal. It must be something that almost everybody or a big chunk of the population needs and wants to know about.

Here are some examples of topics that appeal to the masses. Making money is one of them. Everyone wants to know how to make money. Success is another example; everybody wants to succeed in life. Health and personal wellness, everybody wants to watch their weight or be healthy. All these are topics which are bound to sell because everyone’s wants or needs them

You can write on and sell a number of books but you will never be a bestseller because it’s just not a mass appeal. And this is the essential and first step of the formula

The second step to the formula is the importance of a good title. There are books which have good content inside, but due to the title not being interesting or captivating enough, people do not buy them.

Your title is important. The best title to use is one that conveys a promise. Take for example “Master Your Mind, Design Your Destiny”. The word “Your” speaks to the audience. Another example is “I Am Gifted, So Are You”. These titles are good examples of titles conveying benefits and promises.

A good example to illustrate this is an advertisement. 80% of whether someone reads your ad depends on the headline.

As with the title, the same principle also applies to the book cover. People do judge a book by its cover. Your book cover has got to be designed in a very professional way. The biggest mistake that an author can make is to ignore the design of the book cover.

You must be willing to spend money to get someone to professionally design the book cover. It has to look professional so it looks international. This is the difference that makes the difference.

The third step to the formula is; this applies especially when you are writing a self-help book, there must be an inspirational story. It could be your own, or someone else’ but it has to be an inspirational story or a collection of stories.

Here are some examples of these stories.

Robert Kiyosaki – How he learned the ropes and secrets from his rich dad and became rich.

Tony Robbins – How he started out from being a janitor to becoming this multimillionaire.

So you have to find that rags to riches story because creates the human interest angle. It creates a face, a person to it. So again, if you are writing a book on relationships, you have to have a persona who has failed in all their relationships but has now has got a wonderful family.

The reason why my books have topped the bestselling charts is because I have applied the same steps that I have just shared with you in this article. You can do the same too. Use the same formula that I have shown you to create your very own bestselling book today!

About the Author:

Adam Khoo is an entrepreneur, best-selling author and a self-made millionaire by the age of 26. Discover his million dollar secrets and claim your FREE bonus CD ‘6 Ways To Achieve Anything In Life’ at Paving The Way To The Top.

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