Selling Your Book To Specialty Retailers


by Tony Eldridge

Do you fret over getting your book in every bookstore? That’s understandable, but do yourself a favor and don’t forget about other locations that can proudly display and sell your books.

I have successfully sold copies of my book, The Samson Effect, in bookstores as well as gas stations, lumber yards, print/mail shops, and accountant’s offices just to name a few.

Recently Dana Lynn Smith interviewed me and three other authors who have been successful in selling books to a variety of non-book retailers. In her comprehensive article, How to Sell Books to Gift Shops and Specialty Retailers, you’ll learn:

  • What type of stores may be a good fit for your book
  • Tips for locating and contacting retailers
  • How displays and promotions help sell books
  • What type of re-seller discounts and sales terms to consider

This article will also be featured in an upcoming issue of The Independent, published by the Independent Book Publishers Association, but you can check it out now. There really is a lot of great stuff by good book marketers that you can learn.

And just an FYI, tomorrow I am releasing another video for my newsletter subscriber where I share 10 Twitter Tips and Tricks that I use to enhance my Internet exposure. If you want to view this video, make sure you sign up for my free Video Marketing Tips newsletter and I will e-mail you the link to the video as soon as it’s up.

Tony Eldridge is the author of the action/adventure book, The Samson Effect, that Clive Cussler calls a “first rate thriller brimming with intrigue and adventure” and the Twitter marketing book,Conducting Effective Twitter Contests which helps people find targeted Twitter followers. He also shares his book marketing tips with fellow authors through his blog and through his free video marketing tips for authors. You can follow him on Twitter @TonyEldridge

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One Response to “Selling Your Book To Specialty Retailers”

  1. Edward Smith Says:

    Thanks, those were good tips. Edward Smith.

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