A Profitable Idea for Writers

Posted in Book Writing on January 20th, 2012 by admin

Written by: Mary Anne Hahn

To say that I read a lot is perhaps one of the greatest understatements of all time. I read chronically, obsessively. Articles, books, magazines, newspapers, newsletters–you name it. Whenever I am alone, if I’m not actually writing something, I make certain I have something to read with me. I carry a large purse precisely for this purpose; my partner, John, calls the one I hoist on my shoulder these days “carryon luggage,” which should give you some idea of its size :-) .

Although I have a great love for novels, most of my recent reading involves topics that inform and/or inspire. Of special interest to me is anything that can show me new ways (or new slants on old ways) for writers to make a comfortable living using their skills, things that I can share with the readers of my ezine, WriteSuccess.

One area that continues to look especially promising and profitable for writers is ebook writing and publishing.

For readers, the convenience of ebooks can’t be beat; you can purchase your book and be reading it moments later without getting up from your PC or Mac.

For writers, benefits abound. Ebooks are relatively inexpensive and easy to publish. You don’t need to shop around for an agent. There’s no yearlong wait between having your manuscript accepted and seeing it in print. And you can do some neat things with ebooks that you can’t with the traditional print variety–include your own clip art and graphics, add hypertext links right in the pages of your book that take you readers to related Web sites, and other fun online stuff.

You can’t just slap an ebook together and expect to find an instant road to riches, however. Finding and developing a book on a topic that people care about, and will pay for, is key. You will also need to decide whether to self-publish, or go through an ebook publisher. And the success of your ebook lies in how willingly, and how well, you market it.

Probably the most sought-after type of ebooks, and hence the most profitable avenue you can pursue, are the ones that contain information. These run the gamut as far as content, from how to develop a gorgeous perennial garden to how to balance one’s work and family life. If peopleare passionate about the topic, and feel it will enhance their lives, they will buy a book about it.

You say that this information is already readily available for free? You’re right, much of it is. But if you write engagingly and well, and if you can save people hours of searching and sifting through useless information inorder to find what will help them, then you can sell your ebook. Do the research for them, include the best links in your ebook, and you have something of great value to offer.

Let’s take a look at a real life example: Matthew Lesko. For those who haven’t heard of him, he has put together over 70 books on how individuals and businesses can find free US government money, grants and cash loans to finance nearly any venture you can imagine. His books sell like hotcakes, and I daresay he lives comfortably because of that.

Could people have found this information on their own? Absolutely. But are they willing to buy Mr. Lesko’s books if it will save them hours and hours of trial and error research? You bet they will.

If the idea of writing ebooks for fun and profit appeals to you, the absolute best guide on the Web for how to create, publish and sell your own ebook is “Make Your Knowledge Sell!” This ebook is so packed with information; you’ll be biting at the bit to start writing before you’re even a quarter of the way through it. Even visiting the product’s Web site alone will provide you with ideas. You can check out “MYKS!” here: http://myks.sitesell.com/writeangles.html

Another *excellent* resource on this topic is Neil Shearing’s “Internet Success Blueprint.” Written for Internet marketers, it is a superb step-by-step guide to developing and writing ebooks that we non-marketing type writers could definitely learn from. From selecting topics to choosing an electronic publishing format for your books–plus guiding you through the ebook marketing process–this one’s about as complete as you’ll find online. Plus, it’s a fun read. Read more about Neil’s book here: http://scamfreezone.com .cgi/176198

If you love to write and want to make your living from it, I strongly believe that ebooks are a fantastic way to go.

Here’s to your writing success!


Mary Anne Hahn is editor and publisher of WriteSuccess, the free biweekly ezine of ideas, information and inspiration for people who want to pursue SUCCESSFUL full-time writing careers.To subscribe, mailto:[email protected] .

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Book Marketing is Not the Same as Sales

Posted in Book Marketing on January 17th, 2012 by admin

source: http://www.bookbuzzr.com/blog/book-marketing/book-marketing-is-not-the-same-as-sales/

Many authors mistakenly think that selling and marketing are the same.  They aren’t. You may already know that the book marketing process is broad and includes all of the following:
1. Identifying your target readers
2. Deciding upon a suitable subject, story and style
3. Writing and editing the book
4. Developing a suitable title for the book
5. Creating an attractive book cover
6. Getting reviews and endorsements from mavens and influential publications
7. Setting up distribution for your book in online and brick and mortar stores
8. Creating buzz for your book
9. Advertising your book
10. Getting your customer to buy your book (including order processing and calculating your royalties or revenues)

Most authors confuse the last step to be ALL of marketing.

Marketing is everything that you do to reach and persuade prospects. Sales is everything that you do to close the sale and get the book into the hands of your customer and the money into your bank account. You need both. Without marketing, you cannot expect a customer to carry out the final step and buy your book (except in certain freak purchases which are a result of luck.)

The book buying process works something like this:

1. A book reader from your target market sees your book cover
2. She becomes interested in the book based on title, cover image etc.
3. She explores more about the book (by reading back cover, about the book, story behind the book, reviews and book-excerpt)

4. She decides to purchase the book

The BookBuzzr Book Marketing Funnel which was featured in an earlier blog post is another way to understand how the book buying process works. As you move down the funnel, the number of people carrying out the activity decreases. To increase sales, you can either increase the size of the top of the funnel (i.e. get more people to hear about your book and look at your book cover.) Or you can improve the conversion rates from one stage to the next (and this is usually a result of quality … i.e. if your book title and cover are interesting, people proceed to the next stage; else, they abandon your book.)

Your goal then is to get people to hear about your book’s core idea (or about you or about the story behind your book.) The goal of your book front cover is to get people to look at the back cover. The goal of your back cover is to get people to look inside your book. The goal of the first few pages of your book is to entice your readers to continue reading (and buy the book.) So you are really selling on every page of your book.

Freado.com is designed to facilitate the first two steps of the initial process. Freado.com and the CoverMatcher game are designed to get as many people as possible from your target market to learn about your book title and view your book cover.

Freado also leverages upon the idea of the exposure effect. The exposure effect (also known as the mere exposure effect) is a psychological phenomenon by which people tend to develop a preference for things merely because they are familiar with them. In social psychology, this effect is sometimes called the familiarity principle. In studies of interpersonal attraction, the more often a person is seen by someone, the more pleasing and likeable that person appears to be.

Freado translates this idea to books. The more often a person sees your book cover and book title, the more likely that person is going to be to like or at least accept your book.

Now, one of the questions that we’re frequently asked by new authors is this:

“Does Freado.com guarantee that you will sell more copies of your book?”
And our answer always is a vociferous “NO!”

But Freado definitely increase your probability of selling more books. When a user constantly views your book cover inside the game, he or she begins to unconsciously memorize your book cover. So the next time this book lover is in a bookstore or on Amazon.com, and sees your book, the chances of him recognizing the book is increased. And it creates buzz for your book where people tend to discuss your book (or bid for your book if it is made available as a prize on Freado.)

In conclusion, when you put on your book promotion hat, it is important to understand that book marketing is a concept that is wider than sales. Sales are important. But they don’t happen unless you create the right conditions.

Or like author Chetan Dhruve says, “You know the saying in English – “You can take a horse to the water, but you can’t make it drink.” Similarly, we authors can bring the horse (reader) to the water, but we can’t make him buy the product, because that ultimately depends on the PRODUCT itself (i.e. the book). Think of the alternative, which is doing nothing, i.e. having no horses at the watering hole.”

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Book Reviews for Multiple Book Sales

Posted in Book Review on December 19th, 2011 by admin

Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/writing-articles/book-reviews-for-multiple-book-sales-1506426.html.

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Book reviews are great ways to promote your book and increase you book sales.  When formulating your book marketing plan include a creative way to use book reviews.  A good book review can land you on a best seller list or put you into the seven figure bracket for sales profits.  What is your current or planned use ofbook reviews ?  Are you submitting your book to websites, book groups or newspapers?  Focus on connecting with any niche associated with your book’s genre or its subject matter addresses.  Once you’ve identified these resources, reach out to them and try to establish a relationship that will create multiple sales.  Here are three examples of uncommonbook reviews:

  • Schools – Educational institutions whether grammar or collegiate are a great source of book promotion.  If your book is student friendly consider contacting your local board of education.
  • Corporations – Depending on the topic of your book, you can contact one or several companies and suggesting the benefits of their employees reading your book and the effect it will have on morale and productivity within the company.
  • Environmental – Any books offering information or stories on camping, backpacking, boating etc. can be marketed to and through stores, companies and websites that support that lifestyle.

Schools offer an uncommon and irregular channel through which you can sell your book.  If you get your book into the right hands at the board of education, you can then get your book into several hands throughout your school district.  Contact the board of education and find out who is responsible for accepting books into the school system. If your book is not child friendly but would appeal to education professions offer a discount to the employees that work for the school system.

Corporations can provide a new way to advertise your book.  A few years ago I worked for a global insurance brokerage firm.  During a department meeting our manager announced that we would all be reading a book entitled Who Stole My Cheese.  Some of us welcomed the opportunity while others shunned the book.  Each of us who read the book was transformed into an individual marketing tool.  Even those who chose not to read the small book filled with change embracing techniques became advertisers inadvertently.  Simply by being exposed to the book on a corporate level had us all talking about the book and of course we took our conversations and reviews outside of our cubicles and work environment.

Environmental companies, stores and websites are great places to promote your book.  They can purchase the books outright for themselves or promote it for you through their various mediums.  When you think about your book, its audience, the niche, its genre or the benefits it offers, try to identify where it could fit in as an addition to some other product.  Is your book a chick lit?  Why not sell it retail to companies that offer gift packages for women?  Be creative and try to think outside of the box.  I apologize for the cliché, but it works.

About the Author:
Take a look at our additional book marketing ideas to help sell more copies of your book.

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Your Book Deserves to be Reviewed

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The 7 Deadly Sins of Online Networking

Posted in Internet Marketing on August 26th, 2011 by admin

Source: http://bookmarketingmaven.typepad.com/free-book-marketing-tips/the-7-deadly-sins-of-online-networking-.html

by Dana Lynn Smith, The Savvy Book Marketer

Online networking is a wonderful way to meet people who share your interests, develop relationships with peers and potential customers, and ultimately increase book sales.

But there’s sometimes a fine line between letting your contacts know about your book and being overly promotional. If you’re too passive, you may not get much benefit from networking, but if you’re too aggressive you may turn people off.

Here are seven common mistakes that authors make in online networking, along with tips on how to avoid them:

1. No book information or website links on social network profiles.

I’m amazed at how many authors don’t even mention their books on their social profiles, or make it easy for people to find information about the book.

On your Facebook profile and fan page, include information about your book and a link to your book sales page and websites on the Info section. You can also list yourself as an author in the current employer section of your personal profile, which will make your author status show up at the very top of your profile.

On Twitter, be sure to mention your book in the description on your profile page. You only have 160 characters to work with, so if you have several books you could say something like “author of four romantic suspense novels.”

On LinkedIn, take full advantage of the Title field.  This space is designed for job titles, but you can use it to showcase your expertise and status as an author. For example: “Parenting expert and author of “Raising Happy Kids in a Crazy World.” Your title will appear along with your photo any place that you interact on LinkedIn. Be sure to include a link to your book’s sales page and your website in the Websites section of your profile, and also list your books in the Publications section.

2. Not mentioning your book in your status updates.

It’s fine to talk about your book in the status updates that you post on social networks, as long as that’s not your main focus and you’re not too pushy. Be sure to intersperse your book messages with other types of messages (personal notes, tips, links to helpful resources, thoughts on a new book you just read, etc.)

I recommend that no more than 10% to 20% of your status updates be promotional or self-serving. No one wants to read a constant stream of “buy my book” messages.

One way to talk about your book without seeming too promotional is to discuss your marketing activities. Here are some examples:

  • I just received the preliminary cover designs for my new book – what do you think of these?
  • Today I’m contacting bookstores about setting up signings for my new novel, BOOKTITLE. It’s available at www.booktitle.com.
  • I’m so excited! Just received word that my book, BOOKTITLE, has received an award . . .
  • I just scheduled a radio interview on KWTX to discuss tips from my book, BOOKTITLE. www.booktitle.com
  • Today I launched the redesign of my website for BOOKTITLE – what do you think? www.booktitle.com

And you can always mention events and special promotions:

  • If you’re in the Seattle area, please join me at 3:00 p.m. on Sunday at . . . for a free presentation based on my book, BOOKTITLE. www.booktitle.com
  • The Kindle version of BOOKTITLE has just been released! You can find it at www.booktitle.com. If you don’t have a Kindle, remember you can download the Kindle app and read ebooks right from your computer.
  • Monday Madness Sale! Spread the word — today only, all of my parenting books are on sale for 30% off. Go to www.booktitle.com to order.

3. Sending blank friend requests on social networks.

More than 90% of the network friend requests that I receive have no introduction at all, and most of the others have generic notes like “let’s be friends.” The trouble is, I don’t know who most of these people are.

Don’t make this mistake when you send friend invitations. Be sure to introduce yourself—tell the other person who you are and why you want to connect. What interests do you share in common? If you know something specific about the person, say so. On Facebook and many other networks, you can click the “add a personal message” button in the “add as a friend” box, and type in a personalized greeting.

4. Posting promotional messages on other people’s profiles or pages.

It’s just bad manners to post promotional messages on other people’s social network profiles or pages, especially those of your competitors. I delete any such posts from my own pages.

You usually have more leeway in posting messages on group pages. You can get a feel for the group’s etiquette by observing that others are doing, but usually it’s acceptable to make a wall post introducing yourself and your book, and also to share good news or resources with the group occasionally (see #2 above for ideas).

5. Getting too personal.

It’s great to tell your online friends something about your interests, but if you’re using social networks for business, you probably shouldn’t be discussing your health issues, your mother-in-law, or your kid’s problems. (Too much information!) It’s also a good idea to be cautious about posting things like the dates you are gone on vacation.

If you actively use your Facebook profile to network with family and friends, you might want to reserve your profile for personal use and use your fan page for business.

6. Sending sales pitches to new people that you meet.

It’s nice to do a wall post or send a message to new friends with a greeting (great to meet you, have a wonderful day), a compliment (your website is really terrific) or a note about something that you have in common. You can even invite them to visit your website, if you’re subtle about it and include other things in the message. Just be careful that your message doesn’t come across as a sales pitch – that’s not the way to make a good impression on a new contact.

7. Abusing direct messages.

Many social networks let you send messages to your contacts or members of groups that you belong to. Unfortunately, some people abuse this feature.

On Facebook, the use of direct messages to send promotional pitches has become so prevalent that many people simply tune out their messages. On LinkedIn, someone in a group that I belong to sent me several sales pitches for her products by direct message. I’ve never heard of this woman and she’s not even on my list of connections.

If you use direct messages, do so sparingly and be cautious about annoying people – remember that they can “unfriend” you if they get tired of hearing from you. One way to use direct messages is to send a newsletter type of message that contains some helpful tips or resources, along with a link to your book at the end. You can also use direct messages occasionally to announce “news” such as your book launch.

Remember the golden rule of networking: treat others as you would like to be treated.

About the Author

Learn more about promoting through social networks in The Savvy Book Marketer’s Guide to Successful Social Marketing by Dana Lynn Smith. For more tips, follow @BookMarketer on Twitter, visit Dana’s blog at www.TheSavvyBookMarketer.com, and get a copy of the Top Book Marketing Tips ebook when you sign up for her free newsletter at www.BookMarketingNewsletter.com.

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Free Publicity: The Key To Enormous Marketing And Sales Opportunities

Posted in Book Publicity on January 20th, 2011 by admin

By: Charles Steed

Source: http://www.allgoodarticles.com/article45389.html

I wrote a real estate investing book in 1996. I guess I was pretty naive to think that my work was finished once the book was in print. I’d written several drafts and thought that writing was all there was to it. I soon found out otherwise. My publisher got the book into the stores using a couple of the large book distributors. But the publisher was a small press with only a limited budget for marketing my book. I guess I was so happy to just have a real book in the major bookstores that I wasn’t paying much attention to the stuff about marketing.

After the euphoria of being a big shot author wore off I got a call from the publisher – actually, wake-up call was more like it. This was only days before my book was to be in the stores. I was told that my book would be in the stores for approximately six weeks unless there was a healthy demand for it. After that, stores would return their copies to the publisher for credit to make room for new books. I was also informed that the little money that had been devoted to marketing and promotion had been spent in sending press releases to various media outlets, mainly in the book industry. I was going to have to find a way to get free publicity for my book.

I’ll never forget how I felt that day. Sure, I’d written a book, a good one at that, but outside my family and friends, who knew about it? I realized that I had to take matters into my own hands to promote the book or all of my writing efforts would be for nothing.

I started searching bookstores for information on getting publicity, preferably, free publicity. And there were plenty of books outlining strategies for promoting not only books, but all kinds of things. I began to employ some of the techniques, which actually produced some modest sales. But that that six-week clock kept ticking.

The Internet in 1996 wasn’t anywhere near the great ‘digital library’ it’s come to be since. But still, it turned out to be a blessing. I found a course designed for authors and publishers who wanted to get free publicity. The author had written a book and discovered a method for getting booked on radio talk shows explaining the virtues of his book. At the time he’d been a guest on more than 600 radio shows and had sold more than $100,000 in books. Not bad since he didn’t have a dime invested in the free radio publicity he got from being a talk show guest.

I figured I’d give it a try. I purchased the course and put the techniques to work. When I say techniques, well, that makes the method sound more complicated than it actually is. Here’s the deal: The course consisted of a manual and two floppy discs. Remember those? The discs contained a database with more than 700 national radio stations that were actively seeking interesting guests for their talk shows.

So I went to work. I called it ‘smile and dial’ hour. Every morning I’d sit at my desk and call the various stations pitching myself and my book. And something interesting happened. Within the first hour I got myself booked on two shows. I was feeling pretty good. I did those shows and sales began to pick up. And with each show, I got to be a better guest and sales reflected that. And I was able to do almost all of these interviews from home.

I’d say the story had a happy ending but it hasn’t ended. Even today I continue seeing the benefits of free publicity. And here’s a secret: You can use these methods to get free radio publicity for not only books, but almost anything. It all depends upon your approach. Here’s an even bigger secret: Your approach should be designed to give great value to the listeners of the show and to make the host look like a genius for having you on. That virtually guarantees you’ll be invited back. So, how creative can you be?

If your product, service, cause, book, information product or whatever can be presented from the perspective of useful information for people, all you need to do is sit down, smile, dial, and cash your checks.

After more than 15 years in healthcare as an RN, Charles Steed turned to real estate investing and flipped more than 60 properties in Washington state during the 1990s. He wrote about his real estate investing experiences in his first book titled The Streetsmart Homebuyer – Investors Secrets Anyone Can Use To Buy A Home. He discovered free radio promotion to be a phenomenal way to get the word out and make sales.

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7 Book Writing Secrets that Make Your Book Sales Soar by Earma Brown

Posted in Book Writing on December 16th, 2010 by admin

Source: http://www.bookcatcher.com/articles/seven-book-writing-secrets.php

Does your writing lack pizzazz? Does it lack the power to draw your readers in for more? Does it inspire confidence in you as an author? Does it stand up to your competition and hold its own?

If you answered no to any of the questions above you may be interested in the tips below. Discover how to write compelling copy that makes your book sales soar:

1. Put your reader first. Most of us tend to write selfishly. I mean we write what we want. Go against the natural grain; give your readers what they want. Write to their benefit. Write a solution to their problems.

2. Start well. Create a sizzling beginning. Hook your readers through emotion. Slant your book or introduction with a question or an amazing statistic. Share the top benefits of your book early. Aim for the ‘You’ in every reader.

3. Break your writing into short sections. Write your book in chunks, chapters, sections and parts. Use headings, bulleted lists, pull quotes and other easy reading tools. Don’t make your chapters too long. Create easy transitions to the next chapter or section. Keep each section short and easy to read.

4. Use short sentences. Slash your sentences to under 15-17 words. Don’t bog your readers with complex sentences. Remember multiple phrases slow your reader’s comprehension. Make it easy. Get to the point fast.

5. Use simple words. Write for the 7-10 grade level. The shortest, most well known words are best. The more syllables in a word, the less compelling it becomes. Cut all unnecessary adjectives. Clear, easy to understand copy makes your reader want to read your piece to the end. Fill your writing with what’s in it for them. They’ll come back for more and tell all their friends.

6. Avoid technical jargon. Unless you are writing a technical manual where most everyone will understand the technical language, don’t use technical jargon. It will become techno mumbo jumbo to your readers; they will find something better to do besides figure out what you’re saying.

7. Be specific. Avoid generalities. Engage your reader’s emotion with specifics. Let them experience color, size and shape. Instead of, “Complete your degree online fast to increase your income.” Say, “Complete your master degree online fast so you can upgrade your lifestyle, get vacations, health insurance and other corporate benefits.” Specific benefits create a stronger pull than the general benefit of increased income.

8. Slash adverbs. Go through and cut words like openly, suddenly, very that tell the reader instead of show the reader. Circle all the (ly) and (very) words. Pull out your thesaurus and replace them with power words that show emotion or describe.

9. Check the flow of information. Check your paragraphs for good harmonic flow and understanding. Meaning, make sure you don’t drop off suddenly and change the subject. Clear writing creates compelling copy. Compelling copy leads to more book sales.

10. Slash passive structures. Passive sentences slow and dull your writing. Get rid of the passive voice sentences. Give your sentences a clear subject and a verb to avoid the passive voice. “The writer found fame and fortune through marketing her books online.” instead of “The writer’s books were instrumental in leading her to fame and fortune.” Avoid connecting verbs like ‘was’, ‘is’, ‘had’, and ’seemed’. Replace passive voice verbs with active verbs.

Are you ready to write sizzling copy that your readers find hard to put down? Remember to put your reader first, develop a sizzling start, break your writing into short sections, shorten sentences, use simple words, avoid technical language and be specific. Implement these seven tips to begin writing for more profits! Now go; write a successful book and make us all proud!

Earma Brown, 13 year author and book coach
Get a Free Book Writing Kit when you take the Write a Book Challenge. Send any email to[email protected] for 7 lesson mini-course “Win with the Writer Inside” or visit her at How to Write a Book for more resources and tips.

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Income Streams for Authors

Posted in Book Selling on September 28th, 2010 by admin

Source: http://www.sellingbooks.com/income-streams-for-authors

by Irene Watson

New authors often have the misconception that they will sell a million books and be wealthy for the rest of their lives. But the book is just the beginning; authors shouldn’t put all their eggs in one basket—better to use the egg to hatch more golden egg-laying geese. One book can lead to a product line and multiple streams of residual income.

The author who gets rich on just one book, or even has the luxury just to stay home and do nothing but write books, is a myth, especially today, but in truth it always has been. It is the rare author throughout history who only had one book, one golden egg. Even authors who became famous and wealthy based on one book did not solely become famous because of the book.

Margaret Mitchell, author of Gone With the Wind, is a perfect example. She only wrote one novel, but she leveraged it into income not only from book sales but also movie rights and foreign book rights. Today J.K. Rowling does not make money solely off one Harry Potter book. She used the first book to build a series of novels, which also resulted in a film franchise and countless other merchandise products including wrist watches, lunchboxes, book lights, and board and video games. In addition, she gets paid for book signings and speaking engagements.

You may never reach the fame level of J.K. Rowling, but it doesn’t hurt to aspire to it, and more importantly, like Rowling and Mitchell, you can create multiple streams of income. The book is just the beginning—it is the lead-generation tool to plenty of other work, income, and success coming your way.

A successful author is also a successful businessperson. He might begin with a book, but he uses that book to become an expert so he can offer many services or products that will be in demand. For example, once an author publishes a book, other people who want to publish books come out of the woodwork—they want to know how he did it; they want him to help them with their books. The author thought everyone would want to talk about his book—his novel, his characters, his ideas. Instead, he gets asked to talk about how to get published. If he’s smart, soon he branches into offering seminars on publishing, writing books on the publishing industry, and leveraging his experience to create income for him—he might also sell some of his books for additional income. Different authors may similarly choose some other avenue of the publishing world to provide income. They become publishing coaches, literary agents, editors, book reviewers, printers, cover design artists, magazine columnists—often they become several of these, wearing multiple hats. The book was not the golden egg. It was the goose that laid all these golden eggs.

But publishing may be just one basket. Put your eggs in several baskets. Multiple streams of income that have little to do with books are possible for authors. The people above love books—they always wanted to be writers. But there are authors who don’t even like writing. These authors wrote their books to prove they were experts in their fields. Many one-book authors are life coaches, public speakers, doctors, personal trainers, investment coaches, or politicians. They wrote their books so they could get their messages out and so they would gain credibility. Think about it—if you’re planning an event and have an option between a speaker who has published a book and one who hasn’t, chances are you’ll hire the author because that person appears more talented, knowledgeable, credible, and professional—all qualities you want in a keynote speaker.

Often one book is enough. You might create multiple incomes by writing multiple books, but you could use that one book to give you the edge you want in other ways. Your book can get your foot in the door to generate income through teaching workshops, speaking engagements, business consulting, or a variety of other opportunities. People also want current books, but rather than constantly producing new books, you can capitalize on the credibility a book gives simply by coming out with a second, third, fourth or revised edition, updating the information, adding a new chapter, giving the book a new look. Then the book is new and you did little work to make it so.

Remember that many formats are available for publishing one book. Most books published are paperbacks, but don’t overlook those customers who like hardcover books. Print a number of hardcovers so your customers have an option—they may only buy a paperback for themselves, but they will be willing to spend money on a nice looking hardcover to give as a gift. You could even come out with special limited collectible editions and charge quadruple prices for them if you think the market will bear it.

And what about e-books? There are multiple e-book formats out there. Yes, you might make more money on your print copies—but it depends on how you sell them. If you’re selling through a book distributor, you might only get 5-10% off your cover price for each book sold. But with e-books, you may collect 50%. The income from a print book at 10% versus an e-book at 50% may be equal—the e-book might even provide you greater profit. And don’t forget the value of your time. Print books require time spent working with printers, delivering, mailing, and storing books. Once set up, e-books require nothing more than collecting your income—residual income. Nothing is better than money that keeps coming in that you don’t have to labor for (other than initially having written the book of course).

Create products that complement your book. Why not sell your self-help book with special affirmation cards that can be purchased separately or packaged with your book? Provide a free copy of your book with ten hours of coaching sessions. Create a workbook to go with your book. Create coloring books or paper dolls to go with your children’s book. How about a trivia game to go with your history book? Any product that helps generate continued interest in your book is fair game. Brainstorm the possibilities. Your book is a lead-generating tool to more and more income, more and more opportunities to get your message out there, and more and more chances to live the author lifestyle you always dreamed of living. I guarantee it won’t be exactly how you dreamt it—it may not be as grand—but it will still be fun and exciting.

Your book is a goose. It can lay golden eggs for you. Just don’t put all your eggs in one basket, and let some of those eggs hatch to create more geese to produce yet more eggs.

Irene Watson is the Managing Editor of Reader Views, where avid readers can find reviews of recently published books as well as read interviews with authors. Her team also provides author publicity and a variety of other services specific to writing and publishing books.

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Shoestring Book Marketing For The Savvy Self Publisher

Posted in Book Marketing on July 16th, 2010 by admin

source: http://articlescollections.com/shoestring-book-marketing-for-the-savvy-self-publisher/

Alright, so your book has just been printed has it, and you’re looking for an affordable option of marketing your book to the online
and offline community, without spending too much of that hard earned
cash all in 1 place? Well if thats the case, this article just may be
of some use to you.

The best way of marketing your book, is the tried and tested, good old fashioned press release method. Whether it be sending out press
releases to newspapers/magazines or sending out press releases on the
internet, press releases can send your book sales sky-rocketing through
the roof in absolutely no time at all, increasing your return of
investment and turning you into 1 exceptionally happy human being when
you see those book sales go through the roof!

When writing your press release you need to take into consideration the person that is going to be reading it, do not, and I mean do not,
write this press release as it is a sales letter because if you do, its
going to be a waste of your precious writing time as the person who
will be reading your press release is just going to disregard it as
they see thousands of book sales letters, each and every year. Don’t
make yours one of them. And make sure you write about fact in your
press release and not fiction.

After you have written your mind-blowing, absolutely incredible press release that is hopefully going to super size your bank balance
because every major newspaper editor wants to do an article about you
and your book, you are going to need to get your press release to the
people who can make this happen.

How? Well..

Research, research, research and when you think you’ve done enough research do some more. Make sure you’re up every night with matchsticks
keeping your eyes open and regular intakes of that ever so addictive
coffee everyone’s talking about that keeps you awake when nothing else

Research what you may ask, well you need to get on the internet and find a list of newspapers which you want to submit your press releases
to, the more the better. Then try and find out who the editor of that
newspaper is because its the editor who accepts the press releases. To
find out who the editor is, is pretty simple because it is usually in
the contact us section of the site, if its not their just take the
phone number of the paper off their website, call the paper and ask if
you can speak to the editor.

Do not underestimate the absolutely imperative value of a great press release for driving your book sales through the roof.

Michael Johnson Self Publishing

This has been written by Michael Johnson from Regent Street Press. Regent Street Press offer an affordable complete self publishing
package for aspiring authors. Please visit their website

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How Persuasive Selling Can Help You Sell More Books

Posted in Book Selling on June 2nd, 2010 by admin

by: Phyllis Zimbler Miller
source: http://www.millermosaicllc.com/persuasive-selling/

If we’re book authors and we want to sell more books – and who doesn’t – we need to use all the savvy of traditional marketers and Internet marketers to help sell our books.

In my opinion one of the most overlooked book promotion strategies is what I call “persuasive selling.” It’s putting yourself in the potential buyer’s mind.

In other words, instead of saying what you want to say about your book, you say what the potential buyer needs to hear to be motivated to buy your book.

Let’s imagine this scenario:

I’ve written a fantasy novel complete with fairies and elves. And I meet you in the grocery store and tell you I’ve just had a fantasy novel published. You say: “What’s it about?”

And I say: “It’s about a whole invisible village of fairies and elves. They have an over-population problem so the town elder calls them to a meeting and they …”

And you suddenly remember you forgot the sugar four aisles back and you’re out of there.

Now let’s rewind and try this conversation again.

You say: “What’s it about?”

And I say: “A 12-year-old boy suddenly learns he has 48 hours to save his village of fairies and elves, and he must do this even though the evil overlord is gunning for him.”

And you say: “Do you have a card with the book’s website?”

In reviewing these two scenarios, what’s the difference?

In the first one I the author want to tell you all about my story even if you could care less about the town’s problems, etc. In the second one I the author tell you what will most likely interest you – a David-and-Goliath story of good against evil.

If you want to motivate people in person or on your website to buy your book, practice drawing them into your book’s story with a very short and pointed hook – something that will interest them.

Of course, the same recommendation goes for a nonfiction book. You don’t want to start with describing how many people you interviewed to find the secret to living longer. You want to simply state that the book offers seven secrets to living longer – secrets that are easy to do if you only know how. And your book reveals how.

With a little practice you should be able to use persuasive selling to help sell more of your books. – P.Z.M.

Yes! You can use this article in your ezine, blog or website as long as you use the article in full and include the following resource box:

Phyllis Zimbler Miller is a National Internet Business Examiner at http://budurl.com/internetbusiness as well as a book author, and her company http://www.MillerMosaicLLC.com provides internet marketing information with easy-to-implement solutions to promote your brand, book or business.

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